Indispensable Android Libraries

With recent surge in adoption of the new Gradle-based Android build system, it’s easier than ever to incorporate Android library projects (and libraries in general) into your project. Gone are the days of complex pom files, submodules, forked repos, a huge libs folder or worst of all, copying code as-is into your repo (you never did that, right?). Now a full Android library or utility can be included with a one-line addition to your build. [Read More]

DI on Android Without the Startup Cost: dagger

Anyone who has used a dependency injection (DI) framework on a project can likely speak to its benefits when creating complex systems. Relying on it can help an engineer to design and implement clean, testable software. Anyone who has tried to write Android applications using a DI framework has likely been disappointed in some degree with current offerings. DI frameworks in Java have largely been written with server architectures in mind and as such are either generally too resource heavy to work on a mobile device. [Read More]