I recently started my trial month of Amazon Fresh and was a bit disappointed in the lack of integration the service has with Amazon.com. Specifically, there doesn’t appear to be a way to add to your Fresh cart from Amazon.com. I understand the need for different carts, but don’t understand why I can’t send to Fresh or transfer between the two. So I’ve created a quick and dirty bookmarklet that will open an Amazon ASIN in Fresh for quick addition to your cart. Just drag the link below to your bookmark bar and click on it any time you’re viewing an item on Amazon.com that you’d like to add to your Fresh cart.
[Open in Fresh](javascript:(function()%7B if (!document.getElementById(%27ASIN%27)) %7Balert(%27Can%5C%27t find the product ID%27)%3B return%3B%7D window.open(%27https://fresh.amazon.com/product?asin=%27 %2B document.getElementById(%27ASIN%27).value)%3B%7D)())