For my last semester at Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley I’m working through an entrepreneurship course with several past team mates. In 12 weeks (of which we have about 9 remaining), we’ll be designing, implementing and seeking user feedback for a software product of our choosing.

Our team has chosen to develop a route tracking Android application for runners and cyclists with a twist (eventually for other various outdoor sports). There are many of them available at the moment, some of which are open source (usually a good sign that the market is saturated), but we hope to add a social element that we have yet to see executed properly. We’ve named our app ActiveMob and set up a website to which we’ll be posting updates and eventually launching the application. So far we’ve been developing at full speed and I’ve been amazed at how quickly we’ve been able to pull something usable together. As we collect user feedback we hope to focus our idea into something marketable and potentially profitable.